Senior Frontend Engineer

New York, NY
Full time


Job description

We’re looking for a front-end engineer who knows how to build seamless UI components in React and then implement the “back-end of the front-end” in Typescript. You’re the kind of engineer who foresees the embedded risks and complexity of every “simple” feature, then writes and tests code as if it’s their mother’s life-support system. Your PRs have made the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and contain the answers to Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind.

Job responsibilities

  • Build out the entire front-end, including client facing screens, admin dashboard, auth scheme upgrades and usage data.
  • Build expressive client libraries in Typescript on top of our RPC endpoint with additional logic, test rigorously, submit PRs, review PRs.
  • Your PRs should indicate a thorough understanding of the whole problem and an internalization that your code will go straight into production (because it will).
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